
How do I add a driver to my policy?


If you want to add a driver to your policy, or if you’d like a quote for adding someone, we’ve made it quick and easy for you to go online and make changes to your policy yourself – in just three simple steps.

Benefits to making changes yourself 

  • You can do it any time you like, you can check or change your cover 24/7
  • There are no queues or delays
  • You can easily check and change other details, like your mileage or class of use, at the same time
  • You pay a lower admin fee
  • You can get quotes for a number of drivers, or look at different options


What you’ll need

So that we can accurately work out a price for you, please have the following details ready:

  • The new driver’s full name, including title and relationship to you (e.g. if they’re a family member or friend)
  • Their date of birth and how long they’ve been a resident in the UK
  • Their marital status
  • Their occupation and confirmation of the industry they work in. We’ll also need to know if they have a second job
  • The type of driving licence they hold (e.g., if it’s full or automatic only), as well as how long they’ve held their licence and any restrictions on it
  • Whether or not they have access to any other cars
  • Any claims and convictions they may have received in the last five years


How to make the change

Step 1 Log in to your Account using the button below and select your policy

Step 2 Choose ‘Make a change’, then ‘Drivers’ and ‘Change drivers’

Step 3 Enter all required details.

If we're able to quote, and you want to go ahead, you’ll be able to confirm the change and they’ll be covered straight away. There may be an additional cost as well as an admin fee to pay.




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